First writing session of 2019...

...and the first to officially christen the new studio is...Dave Rowntree (Blur)!  


Great session it was too working on tracks for his forthcoming project! Good to get back into it after having extensive building work the last few months. Loving the new space too, more tracks will be coming your way at some point this year! 


Anna NealeComment
New Year, New Adventures

2018, what a beautifully manic year. I had a taste of what it was like to be a touring musician again (albeit in daylight hours for a change) travelling up and down the UK speaking at various Universities and music colleges. So many wonderful, musical opportunities, BASCA Songwriter Committee, co-writing, and of course, Wide Sky! Finishing the year with a fabulous live performance at Shiiine On.

So, what’s next?

Well for once I start the year with no fixed plans. I have two projects which will launch this year. One for theatre, and the other a collaborative project. Other than that? Who knows. I’m quite happy to ‘go where the wind blows me’. There are always exciting possibilities on the horizon, and those will hopefully expand when my studio at home is finished. Until then, watch this space!


Anna NealeComment
Dominic King Show - BBC Radio Kent


I had great fun being interviewed on the Dominic King show last Wednesday on BBC Radio Kent for the Being Human Festival & University Of Kent! We had a good chat about the story behind 'Wide Sky', and some of my work and research in Arabic music and pop. We also talked about the workshop Rami and I completed on Saturday, 'Music and Migration' at the Huguenot Museum in Rochester (which was great fun, nothing like banging some drums for a couple of hours to cleanse the system!). If you missed it you can listen in here, around 27 minutes in: 

Anna NealeComment
Stage Time - Shiiine On

Right folks! For those at Shiiine On this weekend, Butlins, Minehead, here's my stage time! 11.15am Inn On The Green stage! Currently on route, can't wait! 

Anna NealeComment
Being Human 2018

On Tuesday Rami and I performed as part of the national festival of humanities launch, Being Human, at Senate House in London. It was a packed room of most of the universities in the UK, showcasing some of their work. We had everything from archeology, to social science, to weaving and menstruation! I was talking about my research into Arabic music, and how it can integrate with Western Pop for the University of Kent. I think I sounded like I knew what I was talking about...

On the 24th November Rami and I will be running a workshop at the Huguenot Museum in Rochester on using Arabic rhythms and discussing how music migrates which is free.

Thanks you to Being Human and the University of London for having us!

Anna NealeComment
BBC Introducing Live 2018 - Musicians Union Takeover Panel
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Pleased to announce that I’ll be speaking on the Musician Union Panel: The Musicians’ Union Takeover: Don’t Let the Bastards Get You Down at BBC Introducing Live this year!

The panel will be chaired by MU Campaigns & Social Media Official Maddy Radcliff, and will take place at 12:15 pm on Saturday 10 November in the Help Musicians UK space in the North Vaults, where you can also find wellbeing workshops and a relaxation area.

We’ll be discussing issues from the #MeToo movement and the MU’s work to combat sexual harassment in the music industry, to mental health, fair pay, protecting venues, and making sure musicians can work in the EU post-Brexit – the panel will explore the big issues and how the MU can help rising artists.

You can also come and find me at the Musicians Union stand on Saturday. It’ll be a great chance to chat to you all about running for the upcoming Musicians Union Executive Committee! If you’re Musician Union members and you haven’t already, don’t forget to VOTE!

Anna x

It was a bit of a Blur...


I've had so much fun writing and being creative with this one in the studio last week! Yes, that's Dave Rowntree, drummer with Blur. We're working on tracks for a forthcoming project of his (can't tell you yet!). He is absolutely lovely and a real pleasure to work with. There are some great songs coming your way!

Anna NealeComment
Women In Music

On Monday I was invited to the UK House of Lords on behalf of Funny Women. Baroness Jenkins and the Pink Shoe Club hosted an event featuring and discussing #WomenInMusic. Amongst other things we looked at what can be done to help promote and support our various roles within the industry. It was such an empowering and inspiring event, but also one that left me feeling anger on behalf of those women who have suffered, and are still suffering, harassment and discrimination in our industry.

Topics covered included:

Equal representation, bias, pay gap, sex discrimination, #MeToo, imposter syndrome & more.

Solutions: Education Mentors Key:Change A Women’s Guild in the MU, end silencing settlements (horrible things, should never have existed in the first place), ‘calling it out’ every time, pay gap transparency and #Equality.

Panelists included: Artist Elle Exxe, Lara Baker Founder of The BKRY, Author Sue Lawton MBE, Dr Yvonne Thompson CBE Chairman of the Radio Academy, Helen Bousfield, Head of Artist Rights and Touring Services, Universal Music UK, Angie Greaves, Radio Presenter, Magic FM, Sammy Andrews, CEO & Founder of Deviate Digital and the wonderful Alex Kerr-Wilson, Co-founder of Discovery Talent, who puts on events supporting new and independent talent.

There is change, but it’s painfully slow within the music industry. Hopefully our views will help and be heard at the next meeting of the House Of Lords.

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Proud to have been able to join musical brothers & sisters Dave Rowntree (Blur), Newton Faulkner, Brett Anderson (Suede),  Ed Harcourt, fellow Songwriter committee members, politicians Tom Watson (Labour) and Kevin Brennan (Labour), UK Music, BASCA, Musician Union & others busking and supporting #LoveMusic campaign outside Google's office in London this morning to #supportonlinemusic. Campaigning for fair pay for our music being used online ahead of the EU Copyright Directive (Article 13) vote on 12th September.

 Keep an eye on UK & European press over the next day or so to see some more photos and hear our version of 'Wake Up' by Arcade Fire. We've already made London Live and the I newspaper (Independent), as well as The Irish Times!

Join us here:

Anna x



Anna NealeComment
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Review for 'Wide Sky'!

'Wide Sky' has had its first review's 5 stars from national UK magazine RnR (Rock n Reel)!! Jez and I are so unbelievably chuffed! Thank you Andrew (reviewer) and RnR for taking the time to really listen to the album. There's so much beauty and detail in this review, I had one or two tears in my eye! 

The magazine is out now in most newsagents (W H Smith's) and features Graham Nash on the front cover.  Please support it. Magazines like this are a life line for music fans and musicians.

An absolute honour. Thank you so much RnR. 😍 

Anna x


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