Wide Sky Photoshoot


Here's a first glimpse at some of the new photos from the (belated) Wide Sky shoot with Philm (Phil Mitchell, not the one off the telly) yesterday! Really pleased with the results, and looking forward to updating the website!

 Thanks to Phil, Images HD Woking for hair & make up, and The Star Inn for their fitting chair! 

Change coming soon, keep them peeled! 

Anna x

Anna NealeComment
Haslemere Fringe Festival - Summer Weekend of Live Music

It's always a pleasure to play at this festival. Such a warm, friendly and relaxed event, full of enthusiastic lovers of all sorts of music and art. Yesterday was no exception, and a perfect round up of a  weekend of summer live music! Which started with two performances for Party In The Park, Woking, with Fiery Bird & the Phoenix Cultural Centre, and a songwriters round celebrating women in the music industry for 'Write Like A Girl' with Eagle Radio! 

Thank you to everyone at Haslemere Fringe Festival, Woking Council, Celebrate Woking, the Phoenix Cultural Centre & 'Write Like A Girl' for having us, and to those who braved soaring temperatures to listen. We had a blast. Long may events like this continue.

Anna x


Anna NealeComment
Hello BASCA Songwriting Committee!


I'm incredibly honoured and proud to be able to announce that I'm now an elected member of the BASCA Songwriting Committee!! THANK YOU all so much for voting!

This is such an amazing group of people who are all focused on making the music industry a better place for everyone. Can't wait to get started!  

Anna x

Anna NealeComment
BASCA Songwriting Committee

Honoured to have been nominated for the #songwriting #committee at BASCA! I'm aware I'm a bit of an 'outsider' being the only #independent (#newmodel) #composer, #writer, #musician, but I think it's important we have a voice. So, if you'd like someone who's straight to the point, a bit fiesty, but very lovable, to represent you then please #vote for me. I promise to wave the flag for all of us, and take flapjacks to all the meetings. ❤️

#basca #elections #musicindustry #connected #music #ukmusic #change


Anna NealeComment
Shiiine On Weekender

Very pleased to announce that I'm #performing at this year's Shiiine On Weekender in Minehead! #Tickets can be found here:


If you use promo code NCB10 you can get a #discounted rate!  I'm on the bill with Shed Seven, Ocean Colour Scene, Stereo MC's, The Wonder Stuff and Steve Lamaq, amongst many other great acts! Can't wait!

#shiiineon #festival #minehead #musicfestival #oceancolourscene #shedseven #stereomcs #wonderstuff #90s #weekender #livemusic #singersongwriter #annaneale #widesky #Sunday #somersert

Anna NealeComment
BASCA @ BIMM Bristol

It's been a busy couple of weeks for me. Some of you may be aware that I've been doing some talks on working in the music industry for BASCA (British Academy of Songwriters, Composers and Authors).

Well, last week I was invited over to Bristol to BIMM to do just that! They're a lovely talented bunch of students who were a pleasure to meet. It was also a chance to catch up with Will Farquharson from Bastille. How do I know Will? Well, Will and I used to play in a corporate band many moons ago. We have many stories of drunken stage invasions, dodgy vans and precarious situations. Those were the days eh? 

Ive got a few more of these coming up with UK Music & BASCA at ACM Guildford and LIPA, Liverpool. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and sharing stories. 


Anna NealeComment
Wide Sky, Out Today!

The new album ‘Wide Sky’ is out TODAY! Produced with Jez Larder, and featuring members of the English National Opera (ENO) Chorus and musicians from Syria, ‘Wide Sky’ is avalible on all the usual music platforms, as well as limited edition CD’s here on the website!

It’s taken two and a half years, but we got there! It’s been an absolute pleasure and joy, I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we did making it.

Anna x

#widesky #newmusicfriday #outnow #singersongwriter #Spotify #itunes #AppleMusic #GooglePlay #Amazon #Bandcamp #deezer #stream #download #annaneale 

Anna NealeComment
One week to go!

​One week until the official ‘Wide Sky’ release! And look what arrived today! The beautifully designed CD’s! So chufffed with these (they come with a little trick, possibly an unintended one, something to keep you on your toes!). Thanks to Mark Smith for the original llustrations, and the team at Glassup & Stoski for the design! 

The count down begins...​


Anna NealeComment
Wide Sky, Quotes So Far...
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This time last week 'Wide Sky' was released through Pledge Music a month before the official release on 23rd March. All pledgers and contributors received a digital download. I've received so much love for this album so far, I thought I'd share some of the best quotes so far:

"Her new album #WideSky is truly incredible; a coming of age, a career-defining work ... a masterpiece. Buy it." Dan Chisholm, BBC Broadcaster

"Fortunate enough to have listened to the final masters of the album. Without a doubt it’s @annanealemusic’s finest album. All the bloody hard work she’s put into it has produced something rather epic." Ian Sadler, Pledge Music

"...had it on repeat ever since! Absolutely awesome work Anna! Great song writing, your vocals are amazing and love the production and performances throughout. MORE!" Mick Flight, Pledge Music

"Wow Anna, it's fabulous! Thank you. I'm quite emotional listening to it on the way home from Iolanthe tonight." Claire Mitcher, ENO Chrous 

"I'm listening again now. It reminds me how I felt the very first time I heard 'Dark Side of the Moon' by Pink Floyd. Like then, I feel this is a very special piece of work. Many congratulations." Dan Chisholm, BBC Broadcaster

Thank you all so much, it honestly makes creating projects like this worth while! I've felt quite choked so far!

Anna x

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