Don't forget you can still 'pledge' towards the new EP 'Free Falling' via Kickstart! We've made £395 so far which is AMAZING! Thank you all so much!! X
Don't forget you can still 'pledge' towards the new EP 'Free Falling' via Kickstart! We've made £395 so far which is AMAZING! Thank you all so much!! X
The Kickstarter campaign for the new EP 'Free Falling' is now live! It's been a long time coming but I'm finally in a position to start recording a four track EP of new songs, some of them pretty different but all fun (I've been deserting my Guitars in favour of the space of the Piano!)! Please do support, without you, it won't happen! Xx
This weekend I headed over to Bath so do some co-writing with this fabulous chap, James Warren. James wrote the song 'Everybody's Got To Learn Sometime' (You Tube it, you'll know it!) and was one half of the band 'The Korgis'. We had a really great, fun, productive session, with lots of ideas bouncing about, it's the most fun I've had writing in ages! Along with David Lord who's produced Peter Gabriel and Tears for Fears no less, we even came up with a finished song (plus half of another!).....and to top it off David is Jali Fily Cissokho's brother in law....what are the chances??
Can't wait for you to hear the finished product, and hopefully more to come! Here's to finding a brilliant co-writing partner!
Anna x
Hi all,
I'm very pleased to announce that a co-write I've done with Portuguese producer Andie Kross (Atlantic Portugal) is now available to download and stream from all the usual outlets! If you love House music and EDM, you'll love this! It was a lot of fun to write. Here's the official video!
Buy: Google Play - Amazon - Official music video for Andie Kross' "I'm Alive" featuring Anna Neale. First single of '528' Album to release soon. Follow: directed by Andre Ash Castanheira sax by Aderito Carvalho Booking: Cristiano Xerife m: t: (+351) 912 251 422