The F-List
I'm proud to announce that I'm an ambassador for The F List, continuing supporting women in the music industry! If you wondered why there are hardly any female voices on the radio, in the charts etc, this stat is a good place to start...😕
I feel like the above figure has haunted my career. In my twenty years I never fully realised how much my sex affected my choices, opportunities and in some cases my relationships within this industry. It was only when I became a parent I began to understand the implications of having a vagina! The door slammed firmly in my face. It wasn't the first, it probably won't be the last.
It amazes me that our wonderfully creative and diverse sector still seems to believe that being female, or trans, has the ability to stop us from being able to write, engineer, produce or do anything creatively worthy.
So, enough is enough. I'm old and cranky enough to make alot of noise about this. I'm damned if the next generation of female singer songwriters, producers, recording engineers, composers, you name it, have to put up with this crap.