Anna Neale and Mary Beard visit Pompeii - Cambridge 26th April

Blog from the University of Cambridge Museums site on our forthcoming gig:

Anna Neale and Mary Beard visit Pompeii

The Museum of Classical Archaeology is usually in the business of making the Greek and Roman world visible. But on Friday April 26th the Museum is going to be striking out into the world of contemporary music in order to make the ancient world audible.

In an hour’s double act with Professor Mary Beard, Anna Neale is going to be singing numbers from her recent album ‘River Man’.

‘River Man’ is a collection of songs influenced by the life, times, loves and legacy of Pompeii. It chronicles universal themes of love and knowledge, as relevant today as they ever were, and takes the listener on an epic musical odyssey through Roman history. Anna’s aim is to make these themes reverberate around the gallery’s galaxy of images bringing back to life these resonant presences from the classical past.

Come and reinhabit the ancient world – 1.30pm to 2.30 pm, Friday 26 April, Museum of Classical Archaeology.

Free entrance.

Robin Osborne, Director, Museum of Classical Archaeology