A little health update...

Hi everyone,

As some of you are aware I've been a little quiet gig and recording wise. I finally have some sort of answer for you in terms of why. This morning I was diagnosed with a very rare form of breast cancer called 'microinvasive lobular carcinoma', or 'MILC' for short. My family and I have been living under a cloud of not knowing for just over a month now, which as I'm sure you can imagine, has been very frustrating and worrying. At this time we're not sure what the treatment path will be. I had surgery just under two weeks ago to remove the lump and should find out over the coming month what the plan of action will be. In the meantime everything will carry on as normal. On Friday I fly to Berlin to perform at unterRock on the 18th. 24th November will be 'Tunes In The Chapel' with Rami as planned, which the lovely Tom from Tomodo will be filming for You Tube, and I have a video planned for the next single 'Evolution' which will be filmed early December. The album will also go ahead as planned for the 23rd February, unless something drastic happens (let's home not.). 

I'm sorry the news isn't more positive, but it's not as bad as it could be. Onwards and upwards as they say...

Anna X

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Hi everyone,

I’ve just received the art work for the forthcoming single ‘Evolution’ and thought I’d share with you lovely folks first! We’re looking at December/January release for this track, with the album pencilled in for 23rd February, depending on what my treatment plan will be (hopefully all this surgery and anxiety is for nothing but we still don’t know!). 

Thanks for bearing with me, I’ll update you all with confirmed dates once I get some more information, hopefully on Monday!

In the meantime enjoy the wonderful Mark Smith’s illustration! Very Pink Floyd! 

Anna x

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Wide Sky Release

Hi everyone,

I’m in the middle of going through some diagnostic treatment (culminating in surgery, again, on 31st October) which means I’m going to be out of action for a few weeks here and there. This means that I’m going to have to push back the release date of the album to the 23rd February 2018. 

I’m really sorry for the delay, hopefully it will all be nothing and life will be able to carry on as normal!

I’ll still be performing in Berlin on the 18th November, 'Tunes In The Chapel' on the 24th November and The Long Street Blues Club on the 25th November, but may well have to pause any dates in December depending on the outcome.  

In the meantime I'll be releasing ‘Evolution’ as a single on the 24th November to tide you all over!

Anna x

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Wide Sky Artwork

Ta dah! Introducing the front cover for the new album ‘Wide Sky’ created by Mark Smith (aka Mark’s Mind Disco’s). Is there no end to this mans talent? Fabulous! 

Anna x

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English National Opera

Yesterday Jez & I welcomed Claire Mitcher, Rebecca Stockland, Allan Adams and Ronald Nairne who are memebers of the English National Opera (ENO!) to Skyline Studios in Ashford (Middlesex). You'll be hearing their beautiful voices on three tracks on the new album 'Wide Sky'. What an amazing day! For more info and special behind the scenes footage: 


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The Round London

Well this was an absolute pleasure! Who knew playing in London could be so inspiring and exciting?! 

Yesterday I was one of three writers performing at the songwriters night 'The Round' at Rollingstock in Hoxton. I was lucky enough to share the stage with musical legend Phil Ryan (who's played with Johnny Cash and The Animals), and the very talented Anna Pancaldi.  

We each talked about our writing process and played some of our songs. Not only was it fun (the three of us had quite a laugh on stage), it was intimate and fascinating. Such a great night. More of these please! 


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I've had quite a few 'pre-orders' this week while on holiday down in Kent, taking the total Pledge Music target for Wide Sky to 324%! Wow! Thanks so much everyone! You've made this one very happy bunny!  

Back to the studio this week for a pretty intense run. Keep an eye out for the updates!

Anna x

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Tunes In The Chapel has been moved!

As some of you may be aware from the various social feeds, I had to go in for rather a big operation on Tuesday (out of action for a couple of weeks, then I'll be fighting fit again!). With this and few other things in mind such as the long summer holidays, I've decided to move 'Tunes In The Chapel' to a more appropriate time...the day of my album release! Well, why not? Close to Christmas, nice, dark and earthy feeling... perfect for a candlelit acoustic extravagance, and a great time to celebrate the place where a lot of the new album was written, i.e.: home. Ticket links are the same, it's still the same great line up, however we'll be joined by some of the Syrian and Iraqi musicians who are performing on Wide Sky so it really will be a once in a life time celebration of music. I'd love it if you could come and join us! Anna x



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Write & Record

Say hello to Linda! She's one of my wonderful pledgers who pledged towards the new album and opted to come and write and record with Jez and I! She flew over from Ireland this week especially! I've been in the studio with her the last couple of days, working on one of her songs 'To Be a Woman'.  Today we (including 'studio dog') took our pre-production and arrangement over to Skyline with Jez and came away with a rather lovely finished song (which is currently stuck in my head, good sign Linda!). It's been a very busy, but productive two days! It's also been lovely to meet one of my brilliant fans in person! 

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Here’s Rami and I in the studio at Surrey Arts HQ in Guildford recording some Darbuka on three tracks for Wide Sky! This guy is such an amazing player! While chatting he told me he’s only just started playing again since his family was forced to flee the violence in Syria seven years ago! Wow…. He’s such an inspirational individual, with a real love and passion for music. It was an absolute honour to work with him, and I can’t wait for you to hear the results! 

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