Hi everyone,
As some of you are aware I've been a little quiet gig and recording wise. I finally have some sort of answer for you in terms of why. This morning I was diagnosed with a very rare form of breast cancer called 'microinvasive lobular carcinoma', or 'MILC' for short. My family and I have been living under a cloud of not knowing for just over a month now, which as I'm sure you can imagine, has been very frustrating and worrying. At this time we're not sure what the treatment path will be. I had surgery just under two weeks ago to remove the lump and should find out over the coming month what the plan of action will be. In the meantime everything will carry on as normal. On Friday I fly to Berlin to perform at unterRock on the 18th. 24th November will be 'Tunes In The Chapel' with Rami as planned, which the lovely Tom from Tomodo will be filming for You Tube, and I have a video planned for the next single 'Evolution' which will be filmed early December. The album will also go ahead as planned for the 23rd February, unless something drastic happens (let's home not.).
I'm sorry the news isn't more positive, but it's not as bad as it could be. Onwards and upwards as they say...
Anna X