Get Surrey 'Super Hot' event!

Huge thank you to the Surrey and Woking Advertiser for kicking off some fab local press coverage for the show this Saturday! We've been labelled as 'Super Hot' on the local listings! There should be a lovely photo of Nick Tann and I appearing this Thursday aswell!

Thanks so much guys!  


Anna NealeComment
Write & Record - songwriting workshop with 'Create Space'.

Last week I had the honour of being asked to co-lead a song writing workshop for 'Create Space' who specialise in creative workshops for children between 11-16. Jez (from Skyline, co-writer and recording partner in crime) and I had two days to work with eleven young people, with the second day being devoted to recording at Audio Beach Studios in Hove (see photo above, complete with Zoe's, creative director's, foot!). Out of those two days our three groups each wrote their own songs and recorded them to take home. I'm so impressed with what they came up  with, and the creative energy they approached the whole process with. They were all focused and really into making some great music. Made me proud to be a musician, and glad to be able to pass on some of my old age wisdom! ;) 


Anna NealeComment
April, we're coming for you!

Eleven days to until the EP release! Twelve days to go until the big gig for Crisis at St. Peter's Church, argh! It's all happening this month!

You can pre-order the new EP 'Free Falling' from iTunes here:

Or from Bandcamp here where you'll get the title track before it's released:

Don't forget to get your tickets for the show on the 16th April. Lots of press coming up in the next week so keep an ear and eye out on the media in and around Surrey.

Anna x

Anna NealeComment
BASCA day at Canterbury Christ Church University
'The Dream Team', Anna (BASCA), me, Dan Moore (BASCA), Claire (MPA) and James Dean (Principal Lecturer & Study Lead).  

'The Dream Team', Anna (BASCA), me, Dan Moore (BASCA), Claire (MPA) and James Dean (Principal Lecturer & Study Lead).  

A few weeks ago I was asked to talk about my career as a professional composer and musician on behalf of BASCA for one of their 'Academic Supporter Programmes' at Canterbury Christ Church University.

The day was very inspiring, with some amazing, talented and engaging students all working hard to carve their own path and identity in music (honestly, couldn't fault the demos on our 'demo panel, see photo below!). The facilities were rather fabulous too (I am completely jealous, and would happily spend a fair few hours in those studios!).

I'd like to say a belated thank you to Canterbury Christ Church University for hosting myself, the Music Publishers Association (MPA) and BASCA for their special 'BASCA day'. You made us feel very welcome! Such a lovely environment for nurturing creative talent. 


On the demo panel! 

On the demo panel! 

Anna NealeComment
Croydon Radio

A huge thank you to Croydon Radio who have the playlisted 'Free Falling'! It's been 'hand picked' from the 'WeLoveNewMusic' selection and will  be played 2/3 times a day for next month, and on some of the individual shows! 

Im so chuffed with all the radio play 'Free Falling' is receiving so far! Makes for one very happy bunny!

Anna x


Anna NealeComment
Free Falling Pre-Order

You can now pre-order the new EP 'Free Falling' on Bandcamp here and get the title track before it's officially released! :

iTunes pre ordering will go live from Friday 4th March.  

A big thank you to everyone at the various BBC local radio stations and eagle3 for playing the title track 'Free Falling' from the EP so far! Feeling the love! :) 


Anna NealeComment
Kickstarter Campaign Complete! Well, almost!!

You see that? That's a empty desktop, and it means that the Free Falling EP is complete! Well, almost. On Wednesday all my Kickstarter backers received their digital copies of the EP, followed by bonus tracks, pre production and so those that ordered it, their tailor made individual songs. The feedback so fr has been amazing, thank you all so much! I'm so glad you're all enjoying it. :) 

Now all the music's sorted te next job is to sort the artwork and press release, and start getting it out to radio! No rest for the wicked eh? 


Anna NealeComment